Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Dying Love (Part 1)

Ah.. it's been a while since I put a pen to paper my fingers to keyboard, but for a number of reasons... Again... this is nothing personal... just observation and empathy...ENJOY!
A letter to a dying love, whose absence itself could kill.Who's moments are fading because she is ill,And her time on this earth; limited, yet it feels so surrealA letter to a dying love, here's exactly how I feel.

Every minute spent, like it's the final, like it's the last.

Reflecting on the future, because the future is now the past,

Our longest of  moments moving ever so fast,
The condition of my loved one is defined unsurpassed.

Sometimes I feel weak, so I run away from there
But the worry that, I'll wake up and she'll no longer be here
A life after love, it seems impossible to bear,

I just have to be strong, and show her I care.

I live to spend with you every nightfall, every dawn.
I've forgotten about the rest of the world, from them I have withdrawn
I wish your emotional strength would extend to your brawn
For I literally can't see beyond my life from you death and anything thereon.

Friday, 11 November 2011


I wrote this earlier on this year, and my view STILL hasn't changed just thought I'd bring it here for anyone who never got the chance to read...
So last week, I said something really random and in response, some guy said to me
‘that’s why you don’t have a boyfriend’.(I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE that line so much. What exactly does it imply?)
I went on to say..
‘Who says I want one’ 

and he replies

That’s what every single girl tricks herself into believing.. either she doesn’t want one or need one.’
That was the sentence that got me tickin. THE WORST BIT: Every guy there was like ‘I know right’ or ‘Truuueee’ or just a comment of agreement.
You boys need to understand that sometimes a girl just want to go out with her friends, meet people and not have to give a toss about ‘if he’ll be upset’ or ‘will this make him jealous’.
Its why we have ladies night, not because we are ‘sad’ or  we ‘can’t get a man’.. because we genuinely do not want a man.
I hear boys so often say, relationships are ‘long’, ‘stressful’, ‘over-hyped’, ‘over-rated’ e.t.c the list goes on, and I’m sat there thinking.. Hold on a minute.. who says its easy for girls? Do you think stressing over a man is our idea of life?
And then when she gets hurt, she puts men on hold and you say ‘Not all men are the same.’ 
Its true, I agree, not all men are the same… some are worse, some are men with the mind of a boy, some are thoughtless, empty minded and shallow and others are just there.  I’m not trying to slag boys of, don’t get me wrong… I have a brother and my best friend is a guy and I think I have more guy friends than girl friends, but when guys say girls are ‘stingy’ they need to check its not them. 
I remember one day, a guy said to me ‘Virgins above 16 are stingy.’ (I know not all guys think this). I was shocked. That statement was full of greed. It fumed me, yet I managed to stay calm and say… ‘Stingy people always have a lot to give whenever they decide to.’
Boys be careful what you say around girls, especially single girls.. it sticks.. it develops the stereotype and it counteracts your game. 
Girls..enjoy being single, don’t feel pressured into a relationship because they say you are lonely or because everyone around you is in one. I’ll tell you this… you’re more treasured when your unavailable and that is a FACT!
A tip for the fellas
For boys that have a scandalous reputation, EXPECT her to be weary.
If you’ve got a best friend that’s a female.. EXPECT her to be on guard.
If you jam with you ‘homies’ most of the time, EXPECT her to be needy/clingy.
If you’re to secretive, EXPECT her to be intrusive.
If she is upset, EXPECT her to call YOU to rant/cry/shout.