Wow.. I really rate people that put posts up daily.. even if it's just pictures... it kind of keeps an audience, but then I'm all for suspense when it comes to blogging.
Anyway.. today's post says:
'There's no such thing as writer's block.' I don't believe that statement. But I do believe that writers block is caused by ones self. You alone are the block, nothing else. I mean the number of times I haven't been able to write simply because I have been withdrawing myself from expressing my emotions in fear of appearing weak and vulnerable, is ridiculous. But then I also found out some more stuff..
- Never stick to writing rules. If your a poet, you don't have to rhyme. If you're narrating an experience/ranting, punctuation has no business. If your criticising, its the point that matters. If you're writing a formal letter or an article for a newspaper, then YES there are rules for language and structure, but don't let these rules demean the essence of your work.
- There is always a time or even times of the day your write best. It may be after a meal, before you go to bed, as soon as you wake up find it and use it.. trust me, your work will be at its best.
- There is always a condition you are in when you write your best. I love writing when I'm extremely emotional. The emotion associated with my best pieces, is probably anger. I can't write when I'm full on food. Even still, I have to have music.. whatever my mood.
- There is that place where you write the most or your ideas come up. For me, I conjure most of my ideas on the underground. It's like my incubator, then whenever I get to a computer I splat it out. When I'm on the bus, I do get ideas as well, but mainly tube. For other people it's in the park, mall, church, lesson, in bed. Wherever you find yourself most productive/innovative be sure to at least write a bit of every piece there. It enhances my opinion.
- Get into the habit of writing whenever, wherever on whatever. I always use my phone, compose a PIN and never send.. when I get home I finish it off. I had a notebook, but people always wanted to know what was inside, so I resorted to my phone.. (An advantage of a blackberry, people assume you are actually talking to someone). Anyway do this, and you'll always have a piece to finish off.
- Don't let anyone tell you you are not a writer. Doubting your ability to attract an audience is a major block. If you feel your last post wasn't a hit take off that hit counter. You don't need to know how many people visit your site.
I don't know how far some of you intend on taking writing, but I know some people out there want to write a book. I chose not to share my dream (mainly because its still in incubation stage.) However, I do feel that writers should be encouraged and when they feel they have a writers block, just put a pen to paper and move (or in my case fingers to the keypad). You are your own limitations, once you overcome yourself, no one can overcome you.
By the way.. the above six 'rules' will each have their own post.. Coming soon...
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