Thursday, 14 July 2011

My. Interstellar. Naive. Doctrines. (M.I.N.D)

TonyTony Chopper
He was Sixteen when he came up with this album name and everything in it.. well apart from the Intro and the sampled beats, my point is that he was sixteen, and on his 17th birthday, he decided to share with the world what his M.I.N.D had conjured over the past couple of months/years and thus gave to us: - MY INTERSTELLAR NAIVE DOCTRINES (M.I.N.D)

Tony Njoku

His name is Anthony Njoku (TonyTony Chopper) and he is an artist, a rapper and well a Lad!
I've known him for quite a bit.. but not so well.. so here's an opportunity for you to know him too... :)

So here's the link AGAIN!! And there's more coming from him soon!

This is what I classify as true talent...!!
Feedback appreciated!

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

I'll 'Take that' one please sir.. ;)

'You light... the skies.. up above me'It was GARY BARLOW!!!!!

I was shocked.. why did I know him? Why was I so excited? I just hummed to myself as I worked along.. but as the concert proceeded.. I found out that.. I AM A MAJOR TAKE THAT FAN!!

So basically, I work for an agency, (just for job security, coz you never know who'll read it.. I'll keep that hush hush :P) and well I was given the opportunity to wait a VIP box in Wembley stadium. The task isn't so demanding, but the hours Can be tedious. Anyway, we weren't necessarily permitted to watch the concert, but I had the sheer luck of waiting the nicest customers ever, who called me out to join them and enjoy the concert. 
The opening act was the Pet Shop Boys, and I must say although Neil Tennant has aged, his voice has not. I oddly found myself tapping and nodding to the few songs they performed, and their performance was quite energising.

But when Gary Barlow  sang those seven words.. I felt myself melting. Take that were awesome. Their vocals their props, their engagement with the audience... it was ..*searches Google for word..NO RESULT* Yeps. that's how good I found them! :P
Although Robbie Williams did steal the show a little.. however I had no problem.. he did a rendition of Destiny's child's bootylicious, while shaking his BOOTAY  for us! After about 4 of his hits, Take that rejoined him and they began to joke about Robbie leaving/being kicked out of Take That... to see that there was NO animosity whatsoever was DELIGHTFUL!!

The show then continued..!

My best song performed was NEVER FORGET!
The props for that song were AMAZING.. ABSOLUTELY STUNNING!
When the concert ended... and the audience (of 85,000) had left, I still felt tingly!

I'm a Take That fan.. nd Ill deffo Take That experience with me for as long as my memory can! :)

Saturday, 9 July 2011


Okay.. so this post is 24 hours late... why.. Long story.. but still...

8th of July is the Birthday of my oldest friend. I'm no ttalking age wise, I'm talking how long I've known her and actually been friends with her. I'm not gonna go on and tell you about how we met and all, (Saving that and all other embarrassing stories for her 21st, Wedding and 40th). Simples. :P Anyway.. She's a real good friend and she NEVER fails to provide a laugh!! At the risk of sounding moist.. 'she's the only one who gets me' Lol.. but it's true, I might say something in reply to someone, and they wouldn't get.. but Teni... ah she's fast. The number of 'Ahhh.. Teni.. why aren't you here joh.. moments I had this year were hard.. why? Well we did go to the same educational institution for 8 years.
Anyway, as much as I'd love to go on writing.. but I'm NOT going to.!

You all need to fall in love with her in your own way.. NOT MINE! :P



Friday, 8 July 2011


 I feel like a high school girl whose crush just asked her out on a date and she's rushing to tell all her girlfriends!.. No.. my 'crush' didn't just ask me out... but trust me.. better things happened!!!
I have soooooo much to share with you guys... !!
There's poems pieces.
There's interviews.
There's my review on the Casey Anthony case.
There's talent introduction.
There's features.
There's my Take That experience.
There's just way tooo much!!!

Hahaha... it seems ToniVerse isn't dulling after all! :P

BUUUTTT BEFORE ANY OF THAT.. I've got a special post coming up... A DEDICATION!!!


Monday, 4 July 2011

Love's Imprisoned slave dog.

Put me in a jumpsuit and hand cuff me why don't you,
Or better yet throw me in that indestructible cell. 
For I'm a prisoner to your love and I can't escape!
Even though sometimes I feel, our relationship is hell!

Shove me in  torn garments, make me wear rags!
Or better yet deny me from having myself a ball.
For I'm a Cinderella to your wishes and I've no fairy-godmother,
I have no one I can run to, I have no one at all.

Place a collar and a lead around my neck and make me crawl.
Or better yet throw bones and yell fetch and make me run,
For I'm a bitch to you, you human pet dog,
I mean that's how I'm treated, and I tell you it's no fun.

But I can't escape, because there's nowhere I'd rather be.
And I'll never have a great time if I'm alone with me.
And I'm glad to obey your commands, it makes us a great we.
But out of I love I will fall, with you eventually.