8th of July is the Birthday of my oldest friend. I'm no ttalking age wise, I'm talking how long I've known her and actually been friends with her. I'm not gonna go on and tell you about how we met and all, (Saving that and all other embarrassing stories for her 21st, Wedding and 40th). Simples. :P Anyway.. She's a real good friend and she NEVER fails to provide a laugh!! At the risk of sounding moist.. 'she's the only one who gets me' Lol.. but it's true, I might say something in reply to someone, and they wouldn't get.. but Teni... ah she's fast. The number of 'Ahhh.. Teni.. why aren't you here joh.. moments I had this year were hard.. why? Well we did go to the same educational institution for 8 years.
Anyway, as much as I'd love to go on writing.. but I'm NOT going to.!
You all need to fall in love with her in your own way.. NOT MINE! :P
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