Tuesday, 21 February 2012

I say: Damn...

As I am, I constantly think about my past.
How I was stupid, naive, silly and daft.
How I lived out year, like the last was a draft.
How I'd want things and ponder and never try
How my wrong decisions are the ones I'll NEVER regret,
I'm always looking back on my past...
And I say to myself
'Damn, I hope my story is one I'll never forget.'

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Happy Valentine's Day

I thought I'd give you a cliche post this month. Why.. because I can!
Happy Valentine's day to you all, especially to those who don't have a Valentine. I don't have one either so you could be mine if you like! ^_^  Not like you have a choice really, because I love each and every single one of you that support me, so yeah YOU JUST GOT VALETINED!!! Uhhmmm..yeeaahhh... soooooo..... Anyway, for this piece I had to dig deep inside to find an emotion that can be identified with love. You see my views on love are rather sceptical but as a lot of you believe in it, I'll respect that. Anyway, here's my poem for you guys.

Oh and quick disclaimer... well not really a disclaimer b ut yeah, this poem is in no way in reference to anyone in my life at present. So if you feel you're on to something, either you think it's about someone or even worse yourself, I apologise. 


Sunday, 12 February 2012

Scouting for girls...

This is not a post about the band  scouting for girls, neither is it a post about boys doing so..(With Valentine's day ound the corner, I'm pretty sure no guy is scouting really). This post is in fact about myself doing so. No no no, I'm not looking for a girlfriend.. I'm looking for other females out there who write...

The first person on my list is a 17 year-old girl by the name of Ella Etareri. I've known Ella for about 3 years  now and if there's one thing I know about her, it's that she knows how to use her words. She can manipulate your emotions.

Below is a brief interview with the young lady herself...

Monday, 6 February 2012

Love after death...

It's not my place to tell you who, but someone has died. And as you know, I get really emotional when I hear about death. I don't need to know the cause...just the relationship btwn the two individuals concerned and I'm teary eyed. I'm angry. I'm cold. I'm lonely. I'm dark.
I don't mean to depress you but like we all hate death, I can't handle it. I'm lucky enough to have only ever lost one person I've developed a relationship, and being greedy, I'd rather die than anyone I know. Living on the assumption that everyone else lives this way, ones death kills me. The worst part is, all I can ever do is comfort in words. I know this is greedy, but please can none of you die before me? Like I don't think I'll be able to cope with someone I know gone. I'm that friend that checks on EVERYONE (at least I try), so when I can't check on you.... Remember this: To a dying love (Part 1) yeah...

Okay I said I wasn't gonna depress you. I know this month is about love too soo here's wha I produced in my moment of vulnerability.