Monday, 6 February 2012

Love after death...

It's not my place to tell you who, but someone has died. And as you know, I get really emotional when I hear about death. I don't need to know the cause...just the relationship btwn the two individuals concerned and I'm teary eyed. I'm angry. I'm cold. I'm lonely. I'm dark.
I don't mean to depress you but like we all hate death, I can't handle it. I'm lucky enough to have only ever lost one person I've developed a relationship, and being greedy, I'd rather die than anyone I know. Living on the assumption that everyone else lives this way, ones death kills me. The worst part is, all I can ever do is comfort in words. I know this is greedy, but please can none of you die before me? Like I don't think I'll be able to cope with someone I know gone. I'm that friend that checks on EVERYONE (at least I try), so when I can't check on you.... Remember this: To a dying love (Part 1) yeah...

Okay I said I wasn't gonna depress you. I know this month is about love too soo here's wha I produced in my moment of vulnerability.

Love is strongest when it's gone.
Love is easy when you're alone.
Love is smooth one it's going one way.
Love is a sure sign of death.

It's when they've gone we notice their mark,
It's as they've faded, we've felt their presence,
It's their departure that makes us realise
We can't hold on because they've already left.

And we're sad and upset,
We're angry we're shocked
A confusion of emotions balls out.
All this is cooked up and lingers forever, because death....

Well death is real.

Not fantastic but hey.

(This poem is dedicated to my dear friend...)

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