Tuesday, 22 May 2012


'A year ago I was sat behind this screen (well actually of an older laptop), and decided that I wanted to take poetry much more seriously, I'd already gone through the process of starting up ToniVerse, but i wanted there to be more of it. I wanted the VERSE aspect of this 'brand' to stand out. So like I sat down after my exams and well I typed.

A year and 39 posts later, ToniVerse still lives and all that's changed...  well nothing. I mean I've grown/developed/expanded over the year, but I am still me, and ToniVerse still represents the other side of sanity and I am still a writer; a poet. 

I'd like to thank you guys that have visited at least on a monthly basis and that. I will not lie, I did not expect to have nearly 2000 views (as of when writing this) in a year, in all honesty, I didn't even think I'd get up to 10% of that, but hey... I guess I'm doing something right?

I don't wanna ramble on any longer, but yeah... HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO TONIVERSE!!!!!!!!!! 

(Unfortunately this is the peak period of my examinations so I don't have anything prepared for you guys, but I promise something before the end of the month guys) 




Thoughts or Questions?