Monday, 31 December 2012

My summer fling with an ex... part 10 (The finale)

The finale.

The next day, my ex tried to comfort me, knowing that I could never retrieve what had been lost, but I decided to give whatever he had in store a try. I went about my business and when the time came, I tried to redeem things, but it was too long a process so I left.
I had plans to do family things, but my ex thought to experience my otherwise, so plans unfolded and we did other things with friends.
The day ended and my ex and I went our separate ways.

The next day, I woke up to a crying ex. It went on for hours, during church and even after. Tears so bad I decided to change locations. I knew our time was coming to an end but my exes tears dampened my spirits, besides someone was leaving the next day. We wrapped things up and off to bed we went. That night I said no words to my ex. I was too distraught.

The following day, I went to make my hair and then visit some friends and spent the night. The next day, I returned home and was meant to see another, but in an act of jealousy, my ex deterred him. That night I lay with my ex in bed, staring till sleep came.

Then it was over. My 14 days were up. As we drove to the airport, I watched as I left my ex behind, checked in and all and sat on the plane. Upon take-off I fought back the tears but a couple made it down my cheek. It was over. I knew we'd definitely be reunited, I mean, once you love Lagos, you're never gonna leave!

Lagos was my ex, and this summer, we had a fling!

Hope you enjoyed this and you weren't disappointed?


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