Thursday, 9 October 2014

The proposal.

Unlike your average 23 year old (Wow, saying that out loud is weird), I don't have my wedding planned. I have no clue where I want to get married, what type of dress I want, song(s)- that-MUST-be played list, nothing... actually, I know I want a September wedding, but yeah, other than that I don't have any ideas about my wedding. This may be because I'm single but then I know a number of single people who have plans.  Also it could be because I'm scared of marriage. But that's a story for another day.
The weird thing I do have planned however is my proposal. Okay, I don't have it planned out... but I know that it matters to me A LOT. I've watched soooo many proposals online and, well while they are all different, I found something in common... the genuine declaration of love.

But why do proposals matter so much?

So, you have a business idea, and you have to pitch it to board members. That enthusiasm, that interest, that passion, that desire, the thought process, the caution, that readiness to adapt your life to it, and the readiness to stick by it till through failure, that's what you illustrate. That's what you show. And oh the beauty in passion. It's like a beautifully contained flame on a scented candle with your favourite smell. Pleasantries of smell, warmth and light from one source. A proposal fills you with that. As the proposer, you want to share that, and as the propose you want that. You jump on board.
You might think that I'm easily washed, but it's not that simple. Taking me to Dubai and dropping on one knee at the top of the Burj Khalifa is NOT the dream proposal. It's the innovation, taking into thought and mind what matters to me most.

As weird as it seems, I'd love to propose to a man. But more important, I can't wait to be proposed to. That's one thing I MUST have a video of.

I recently came across a question that was 'What's the most powerful image to you?'

My answer?
A proposal. Not the flamboyant disneyland flash mob type or the NBA Playoffs half-time either. A simple and intimate proposal.
Why? In this moment, an array of emotions are released into the environment.
Excitement, Nervousness, Fear, Shock and most importantly Love. (Forgive me if I've excluded any other important ones)
All these emotions, at this point, are in their most raw and genuine form.
And the tears, the smiles and even the mild forehead sweat all say it.

Her 25th Birthday, Her 4 best friends, her family, her boyfriend at dinner. He had Andy Grammer's 'I choose you' playing in the background as he falls to one knee and struggles to speak and blaah blaah. She's in shock and tears etc. When she says yes, THAT'S when you take a photo. That's when you captured LOVE! It's an amazing picture... not because of the photographers skills or the quality of the camera, but because of everything I've said before... genuineness. That’s what makes it powerful.

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