Friday, 26 December 2014

On hindsight avenue...

It's that time of the year where we look back and reflect on all the decisions we made, all the great things that happened, all the friends we made, kept and dropped, and every other thing that we want to change about 2014. While that's all good and well (trust me, I'm a firm believer in thankfullness), there's a road off reflection lane that I've stopped going down. That's hindsight avenue. It's good to recognise where we've gone wrong in the past and learn from it, but dwelling in the past only lets us dwell on things that may have happened. Learn and move forward. 

Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Why am I single?

We're well into December already!!
I swear, I didn't even realise this was the third week of the month, everything is moving so quick.
That being said, this month has been good for feedback, especially in unrelated terms. People who I've not pressured to the blog have come here and well yeah... it makes me happy.

Anyways, today's post has come from a number of discussions I've had with guys and what they don't like, find unattractive (behaviour wise) with females. It's not 100% accurate or applicable and it's not serious, but as with all posts up here, there's an element of truth in it. I don't believe this is WHY people are single btw - just some. Lol.

So enjoy...

Why am I single?