'I hate my life' & 'FML'. These are two statements I HATE!! I think every time someone uses them, they deserve a slap from God. Has he slapped you with Cancer? Has he slapped you with Poverty? Has he slapped you with a £1bn debt? So what do you have to hate about your life?
Let me tell you three stories, one is made up, one is over exaggerated and the other is pure truth (in no particular order though) :
Story one
There is this lady who has been happily married to her husband for 13 years. Now I know that may not seem like a long time for you, but it seems like eternity when your marriage is all you can speak for. Her parents are dead, so she could only ever lean on her husbands parents. With their good natured hearts, they cared for her like their own daughter even though she is unable to give them a grandchild. Unfortunately her mother-in-law died a couple of months ago. Herself and her husband aren't the richest and I know she had to borrow money to buy her ticket to Nigeria for the burial. On her arrival, she had to increase her shifts in order to pay back, bearing in mind she is simply an NHS nurse, so her pay isn't fantastic. A couple weeks after her return from the burial, her sister was diagnosed with cancer. within a week, her sister died. As you can imagine.. it was off to Nigeria.. Again. Yet every Sunday she bears a smile in the House of God. Do you think it easy for this woman to watch as her peers bring their offspring to church, as they brag about the success of their kids, as they celebrate the 70th birthday of a parent or as they announce a siblings engagement? No, its hard, yet FML or I Hate my life have never come out of her mouth.
Story two
Mary* is a 16 year old orphan. She was lucky to be taken into care buy a wonderful family at the age of four. However, when her foster mother died, things changed. Her foster Dad started drinking. He was in pain and that was how he dealt with it. She was only 12, but things had taken a turn. Her foster Dad began to hate her. One day he said to her.. 'You were her idea. you were just a replacement, you not my blood. I have no reason to care for you.' Mary knew she had no where to go so she endured the negligence. By the time Mary turned 14 she had suffered all sorts of abuse, sexual, physical and emotional. She knew she had to leave so she did. She returned to the home she was originally grew up in and they took her back. Months later she was diagnosed with HIV. She's only ever had sex with one person. Mary can never have kids. Mary may never enjoy sex. Mary is feared by the uneducated. Yet Mary has the warmest smile in the building and hates the term FML.
Story three
There is a girl who has it all. Wonderful family, wonderful boyfriend, standard University, standard job. This is how it appears on the outside. On the inside, her parents fight everyday. They resent each other, they only ever take their anger on each other out on her, in whichever way fits them. In comparison to her siblings, she is a failure. With her older sister a graduate from medical school and her younger brother on scholarship she attends a simple university studying a common course. Her boyfriend seems fine except he is never satisfied. Content with what he does for her, she strives to impress him. She may have a job, but that's to pay off the bills her parents ignore, or to buy things to avoid fights or to impress her boyfriend, but even still no one is satisfied with her job. As for friends, she has a lot who she cares for. However, hardly any care for her. Frequent when in need, yet out of sight when needed. As for her best friend, she's convinced she's sleeping with her boyfriend.. if not then they are sexting. Her family is in debt so she is constantly cash strapped and when she isn't she has little to spend on considering the attempted social life is restricted by her over protective father's rules. To top it all off, she is pregnant at 18, but her smile will light up the room and her absence will cause heartache.
You see, this is why I hate it. These three people are ALL worse off than me yet they can't use those statements. Yes they may all be girls, but guys have their go too. I mean, you're not impotent, you're not in capable of finding a girl. So why use 'fml' when you haven't done your coursework in time? Why hate your life because you finish your exams one week after everyone else? We really need to stop this and appreciate what we have in front of us, because some people would kill to have it, and if you hate your life, they may as well kill you! Be content and lets get rid of these stupid statements.. trust me, it helps in total happiness. I'm not the words most content character, and I know I can complain, but I HAVE NEVER, CAN NEVER and WILL NEVER use the terms 'I hate my life' or 'FML' and neither should you.
i thought i was the only one that thought the same. i keep telling my friend(s) to chill with the "fml" thing, people are going through soo much more!
Haha.. glad to know were on the same page!