Tuesday, 31 May 2011

You're never fully dressed without a...

I live in London.. one of the busiest and most popular cities in the world. I have done so for nearly 20 years.. (give or take the six I spent in Nigeria), and I have never felt welcome... weird right? You know why? Because people don't smile.

You know when you go to someone's house and they open the door. If they don't  smile you instantly feel that your presence is not valued. You spend your whole time there on edge, that's if you don't try to leave as stylishly yet quickly as possible. Anyway, that's how I feel in London. Nobody smiles. I noticed this bitter attitude when I was younger and my siblings and I used to play 'sweet or sour', some of you may know this game, some might not. Basically the whole point is to smile at the person in the care beside you.. If they are smile back, they are sweet and you give them a thumbs up. If they don't reply, then they sour and it's thumbs down for them. Playing this game, we rarely ever gave a thumbs up.. why because people never smiled.

It really doesn't take much out of you to smile people. It makes you look good and feel good, you've got nothing to loose. You might not know how your smile will brighten up someone else's day!

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