Tuesday 1 July 2014

A change in Dynamics.


And oh look, yet another post about being a graduate! Yawn? 

Well, it has become apparent that after graduation, it is customary to start a blog. Well at least this is what I've noticed about my peers. My initial reaction to this was 'it's a phase, they'll grow out of it.', but no one has. In fact, there's shed loads more blogs, and I LOVE IT! 

However, why? Don't you wonder why this has all happened? (wonder why they've saturated our market). Well here's how I see it. We all know the whole facade about graduation being a party into the big bad world, reality, the hard stuff and all other scary names that society has for it. What we don't realise is that we are alone. Yes, we graduate with a group of friends, BFF's if not, but the truth is, we are alone. Many of our experiences are alone, but they are also in common. 

Take for instance Rachel. Rachel graduated from the University of Birmingham last year. Between then and today, she's been rejected from 28 jobs, worked part time at New Look, gone on 3 holidays and lives at home with mum and Dad. In September, she will be starting a masters in Business Management  (Sound familiar graduates?). A lot of these experiences are extremely relatable,however people don't know that, and a blog is a medium through which this is done. 

Reading blogs of friends and peers, I somewhat feel prepared for experiences. I feel prepared about how everyone is going to remind you how, you're still young, but expect you to be responsible for everything - as you are, at the same time old enough. I feel prepared for job rejections, I feel prepared to be constrained by my parents in movement and timing. I feel prepared to be broke - no pocket money. Does this mean I am ready? (Of course, I'm a fighter -not really, no.) No, it just means I know what's ahead of me. I'm mentally aware of what's potentially about to come my way and different ways of handling this.

I perceive blogs as journals. Rants, stories, poems and the lot, they all stem from experiences and observations from life and the eyes of a graduate provide many windows into life for us soon to be's.  I also see blogs as 'Avenue FINALLY'. One thing I've noticed is that most blogs have a central theme. Some people stick to sports others photography. Whatever the interest, most people are finally focusing/giving time to personal interests. Blogs manage to infuse these interests with personal experiences. I remember reading this one guy's fitness blog. I LOVED IT! For every exercise he put up, he had a story to tell. Why he learnt it, or why he was working out, or what happened in the gym or what he's noticed on the tube. I could relate to a lot and it motivated me to work out to (which didn't last long - partly because he stopped blogging.). He was also funny, which made it appealing. My main point here is that through a blog, you can combine your interests and experiences, and share this to the world (or the 20 people/friends who actually read it). 

The advantage of this, you will find your not alone. (If you enable comments), People tend to respond, explaining how they've been through similar experiences, sharing how they may have reacted and so on and so forth. However, this does not eliminate 'opinionists' (yes I made that  word up - they don't deserve to be called anything meaningful). Anyway, these are individuals who feel it necessary to force their opinions on you and even possibly insult you at the same time. But remember, you control your blog so you can ignore these or simply acknowledge them so they can shut it!

Anyway, the moral of this post is that blogs are NOT bandwagons. They aren't habits or tumblrs which you pick up and  drop. They are lifestyle exposures. I'd advise graduates to get a blog, you never know who you might save (prepare) and who might save you. 

So relax, and enjoy as ToniVerse becomes, not just a poetic pun (just in case you never actually knew) on my name, but an insight to my world/life as a graduate.

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