Tuesday 8 December 2015

Chronicles of an IJGB: Renewal

'No corps member is to leave the state in which they are posted in, moreover the country.'

That line rang in my head as my plane touched down in Heathrow. Apparently, My IJGB status had reached its expiration date, so I had to goan renew the stoffs. LOL. Don't follow me and goan travel oh. I actually got permission and had some personal issues to resolve. But boy it was needed. Lagos had shown me the ultimates of a Yoruba demon, the stresses of being broke, disorganization and every other thing under the sun that I could complain about.

Lagos had me like.

So I came back refreshed as ever and I went straight to Benin for the weekend for my cousins wedding. 
Defying all the rules. Benin is actually a chilled out city tbh. I mean the traffic situation was only slightly more bearable than Lagos, but other than that it was okay. Unfortunately I wasn't there long enough to experience their way of life, but yeah it was nice. 
The Bride and I

A week back at work and it was sooo evident that I have been missed. I guess I under estimated my presence in this place. But by Saturday I was off to ABJ. First time ever and I loved it!! I don't know what it is, but Abuja people are generally friendlier than Lagos people. I think it's the lack of traffic, it generally keeps us mellow. 

My Abuja tale is really one for the grand kids though. Nothing bad or naughty happened, it's just interesting. Ideally, I'd love to hit up another state for every weekend from here on out, but I have personal issues that I'm dealing with, therefore making it not so likely. Anyways. it's Christmas meaning that the influx of IJGB's will be high and my status will be lost amidst those who are 'in town for a short while.', but nonetheless it's been renewed.

-Your favourite IJGB. 

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